
Dive into resources, programs, and services to support lifelong learning, for all ages and education levels.

Educators & Students

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The Library offers teachers and educators a wide array of special resources and services, in libraries, at schools, and online.

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Teens photo

Discover events and programs, books and other materials, clubs, and more, just for you.

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Pre-K Early Learning

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Early Literacy
It’s never too early to get children excited about reading and learning.

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten
Read 1,000 books with your children to strengthen language skills and build vocabulary—two important tools for learning to read.

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Classes & Education

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Career Online High School
Achieve your dream of a better job and more choices in life.

Student Success Tutorials
Interested in our online resources but don’t know where to start? You’ve come to the right place!

Tech Training
Expand your technology skills.

Job Skills

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Learn relevant job skills, from hands-on projects and courses to job-ready certificates and degree programs.

LinkedIn Learning
Learn job skills about office productivity applications, databases, spreadsheets, Photoshop, multimedia production, business savvy, specialized applications, organizational skills and more.

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Adult Literacy & English Language Partners

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One-on-One Tutoring
Work individually with an adult to improve basic reading, writing, and English language skills at their local library.

Volunteer Tutor Support
Free program orientation, tutor training, instruction materials, and ongoing support for adult literacy tutors/learning partners.

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Local History Special Collections
The library’s special collections focus on local history, genealogy, and the wine industry.

Research for Students
General research resources for students of all ages.

Consumer and Health Research
Research before a new purchase or get answers to health-related questions with these trusted resources.

Newspapers and Magazines
Access to major news sites including the New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal.

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