Friends of the Healdsburg Library

The Friends of the Healdsburg Library supports the library through book donations, proceeds from book sales, and membership dues. Over the past five years, the Friends group has given over $100,000 in grants to the library.

The FoHL Board of Directors coordinates the Friends' activities, including all book sales, organization and handling of book donations, and membership outreach. Our goal is to sell donated books to raise money to support the Healdsburg branch of the Sonoma County Library. With your assistance we purchased the BiblioBike, renovated and maintain the library's Demeter Frog Fountain, and all sorts of other enrichments. Thank you for your support!

The Friends' board meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 4:00 pm in-person in the Healdsburg Library meeting room and hybrid via Zoom. To attend the meeting, please email:

FOHL logo

Book Sales

Library Lobby Bookshelf Sales

FoHL Lobby Bookshelves: fabulous categories — including Earl’s Picks — with new offerings all the time. Come browse and purchase; open whenever the library is open. In the lobby; what a deal!

Questions? Concerns? Comments?
Email for more information:
(707) 481-6428
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

Book Donation Guidelines


We apologize for the inconvenience! The Friends of the Healdsburg Library cannot accept donations until 2025, pending completion of the Healdsburg Library Modernization Project. Thank you for your support!

bookshelves image

Updated 07/24

Board Members

  • President: Tracy Logan
  • Vice-President: Theresa Cabral
  • Secretary: Lyn Murray
  • Treasurer: Julie Hanamura
  • J’nnen Allsup, Earl Gwynne, Dave Henderson, Ginni Lomax, Charlene Luks (President Emeritus), Shaun McCaffrey, Mary Ann Gervais, Donna Rothkopf, Ellen Tyler

Join the Friends

Membership form (Click to go to the form)

Contact the Friends

Phone: 707-481-6428
Mailing address: PO Box 1514, Healdsburg, CA 95448

Demeter Fountain image