Resources for You

Discover events, resources and more in Spanish.

New books in Spanish


Listen to a story read
by a librarian!

New stories every Wednesday. Stories are available in English and Spanish.

Call (707) 755-2050 to listen to a story read by a children’s librarian. We record new stories every Wednesday. Dial 2 for a story in Spanish and 1 for a story in English. Stories are for children in preschool age and older.



MakeMake is a digital library with 200 eBooks for children in Spanish. Discover animated and interactive books, all in Spanish. It also provides resources for parents and teachers that will help develop children’s literacy in Spanish, from birth through elementary school. Created in Colombia, MakeMake is completely in Spanish and easy to use.

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Books in the parks? What a great idea! Now walks in the park have a new meaning. StoryWalk is an innovative and interactive way for readers of all ages to enjoy a story and be outdoors.

Pages of an illustrated book are shown on special display poles along park walkways, gardens and other places so you can be outdoors.

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Reading group: Tortilla Literaria

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Santa Rosa Central Library
Third Tuesday of the month:
6:15pm - 7:40pm

  • March 19 - La cocinera de Frida
  • April 16 - La señora March
  • May 21 - La hacienda
  • June 18 - Falsa liebre
  • July 16 - Salvo mi corazón, todo esta bien
  • August 20 - Chicas muertas

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